Support = love.
A few days before we arrived to Omaha, Mackenzie messaged us this:
“Hi Majo, Tom and I are excited to see you guys on Monday. In preparation, we have a few questions! No worries if you don’t have answers to everything. 1) When can we expect your arrival? 2) Will you be interested in a home cooked meal at our house? 3) Is there anything we can do to make your stay more enjoyable? We admire the work you are doing and want to make you feel as comfortable as possible. See you soon, friend.”
As soon as we read this, our hearts warmed! After being on the road for so long, in the midst of this pilgrimage, to feel so welcomed into a home, and into the arms of a friend, meant everything. The aspect of Mackenzie’s message that touched us most was her support for the work we’re doing.
At this point on our journey, we are working tirelessly, in every spare moment of our travels, to gift meditations, blogs, podcasts, and flows to YOU! And to anyone out there who is thirsting for a community, a place to feel welcomed just as they are, and for resources to aid them on their journey to wellness. Wellness is a complex word and idea. In order to be truly well, we must be balanced and healthy in all aspects of our lives. This includes emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, financially, relationally, communally; it includes having awareness, intention, flexibility, boundaries, openness, and vulnerability.
As our business forms, molds, and shapes into what it is meant to be; as we learn, grow, and expand our own knowledge so that we may share more knowledge and techniques with others, we need support! We need people who believe in us as much as we believe in ourselves. Because we are communal beings! And a critical part of our mission, one of our core values, is COMMUNITY!
And so, Mackenzie, thank you for being a support. Thank you for being a person we can depend on to hold us accountable to the work we are doing. Thank you for being an affirming presence in our lives so that we can keep our passionate fire alive! Thank you for your kindness, your loyalty, and your hugs.
We love you and we appreciate you.
M + H