❏ 1⁄2 tsp avocado oil
❏ 1 cup long grain brown rice OR 1 cup basmati rice
❏ For brown rice, 2.5 cups water; for white, 2 cups water
❏ 1 tsp salt, plus more to taste.
❏ 1 tsp avocado oil
❏ 1⁄2 medium red bell pepper, diced
❏ 4 medium-large carrots, chopped
❏ 1 cup snow peas, halved
❏ 1 cup broccoli, chopped
❏ 1⁄2 head small-medium purple cabbage, chopped
❏ 1⁄2 cup roasted and salted cashews
❏ 2 tbsp soy sauce
❏ Salt to taste
1. Prepare the rice. In a medium pot, heat oil for 15 seconds before adding rice. Toast the rice for about 3 minutes until it loses its transparency. Then add water, salt, and cover. Once the water starts to boil, turn to simmer. For brown rice, cook approximately 30-45 minutes until desired consistency. For white, cook approximately 20-30 minutes until desired consistency.
2. Veggie time! Heat avocado oil in a medium-large pan. After about 15 seconds, add bell pepper. Wait 2 minutes before adding the carrots. Cook for 3 minutes before adding snow peas and broccoli.
3. After 2 minutes, add cabbage and soy sauce. Cook until desired tenderness.
4. When the veggies are almost done, add cashews and salt.
5. Serve rice aside veggies and enjoy!